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A hobby can be at any age, the chosen activity can bring real income and serve as a source of good mood


The organisation of leisure should be individual, the choice should be based on the talents, aptitudes and wishes of the pensioner. Someone has dreamed all his life of gardening, fishing or wanting to travel. But there are more universal hobbies available to everyone.

For example, reading books positively affects the spiritual level of a person, his culture, intellectual development. Even an experienced person will be able to learn something new, gain life experience, penetrated by the experiences of literary heroes.


While retired women are more into planting indoor plants, older men are more into gardening. If you live in a private house with a garden or vegetable garden, you can devote time to growing vegetables, berries, fruit, beautify the area by applying the skills of elementary landscape design.

If you have always been interested in stars, galaxies and space, retirement is a good time to deepen your knowledge of space. Start by reading specialised books, going to planetariums and watching science TV programmes. You can study the starry sky with the help of a telescope, placing it on the roof of your own house, loggia or balcony.


Home tutoring. If you have dedicated your life to teaching, are good at higher maths or are fluent in a foreign language, you are well placed to help school children learn.

Domestic services. You can earn by sewing or repairing clothes, fix appliances, computers, repair shoes, the scope of employment depends on your skills and talents.